Company Culture

Company Culture

  • Categories:About us
  • Time of issue:2020-05-13 00:00:00
  • Views:0


Company Culture


Entrepreneurial spirit

Loyalty, unity, hard work, innovation


Company Culture


Corporate purposes

Serve farmers, healthy people

Promote the traditional diet culture of the Chinese nation



Company Culture


Enterprise's goal

China Healthy Egg Brand


Company Culture


Operating principles

ntegrity and reciprocity, service first

Shendan is a big stage, we are happy to be able to display talent on this stage, the mall is ruthless, we are excited to win in the commercial war. Work hard, be practical, report truthfully, and work with zero defects is our view of work; always study, enjoy work, frugality, diligent exercise, and often entertainment is our view of life; timely communication, act immediately, work plan was last night, work today Night is our view of time; who is responsible for the division of labor, who is responsible, who is in charge of who is responsible, the fault of the subordinate is our fault is our view of responsibility; we are happy to be able to promote ourselves in such an environment. Human value is the greatest wealth. We regard the improvement of self-worth as the primary pursuit of life, and despise the behavior of greedy for small profits. As a member of the Shendan family, we care for each other, help each other, and encourage each other; as a member of the community, we obey the law and social ethics, care for the environment, speak Mandarin, oppose gambling, and do not smoke in public places.
Shendan is everyone's, the cause is common, Shendan develops and I progress, and Shendan flourishes and I am proud.

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Service hotline:400-886-3312


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